Friday, January 27, 2012

Kryptonite and the Cross

“Excuse me, Mommy.”

“Yes, Katie.” I nuzzled my three-year-old’s soft blond hair as cuddled her to sleep.

“Is Clark Kent-Superman like Jesus?” My drowsy eyes popped open. Where does she get these ideas?

(Um, I don’t know. Probably from all of the Smallville marathons we have subjected her to since birth. Tom Welling, if you are out there, Chris and I think that we would make great best friends for you and your wife. But I digress ...)

“Yes!” I exclaimed, much louder than a whisper. “You’re right! Clark Kent Superman is just like Jesus! He’s strong and powerful and brave – and even though he had all of those powers, he came down to earth …”

“To save us from the bad guys?”

“That’s right,” I said, pulling her tight. “Jesus came to the earth to save us. Just like Clark Kent-Superman.”

Tonight, as you tuck your own babies to sleep, ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you and your children – and don’t be surprised when He does!

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing way for a child to see Jesus and be able to grasp how powerful He is!
