Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday and The Book of Colt

Every son often, our five-year-old son Colt graces us with his astounding theological acumen.

His observations are so profoundly heretical, so forcefully asserted as truth, that we have concluded that he has started his very own new world religion. It's guidebook?

The Book of Colt.

(So far Colt has just one disciple -- his younger brother Christian. But I'll expound on that chapter another time).

Just last weekend in fact, as I was quizzing Colt about what he learned in Sunday School.

The result was this amazing revelation from the Book of Colt, Chapter 6, verse 2.

The exchange went something like this:

Me: "Colt, what did you learn in Sunday School?"

Colt: "I learned that the Super Bowl is next week, but the Patriots are cheaters."

Me: "Who told you that?"

Colt: "My Sunday School teacher, Alyssa White."

Me: "So who are you rooting for in the Super Bowl?"

Colt: "The Patriots."

Me: "What? Why?"

Colt: "Because they cheat."

You can't argue with that kind of logic. You just can't. Hmm. Maybe Brother Christian is on to something ...

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